View Profile mickyhomer
I love "tears for fears" they are really hot and their music is clever. I also really admire lloyd Bridges he is a fine actor and made lots of great movies my favorites are 'Crime Doctors Strangest case' then 'Bear mountain' and finally 'The Limping Man'

Age 60, Male


duck bridge ladies college


Joined on 10/20/00

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mickyhomer's News

Posted by mickyhomer - April 21st, 2009

I really thought this was one of my best,

This message is to inform you that the following review, which you left for Columbine Massacre Collab on 4/21/09 at 12:19:33 AM, has been deleted:

Score: 10 / 10
Summary: Dear children my ancient eyes are renewed
Review: Dear children you have retold this terrible story with grace and dignity.
I too have a terrible story I was once an ordinary woman.
I lived with the man I loved for many years watching our children grow into fine citizens and our wonderful garden bloom around us. Sadly my husband was taken from me by influenza in the fifties. I resigned myself to live out the rest of my days as a lonely old woman. But 15years to the day after my great loss an extrodinary change occurred within me, I began to grow a penis and slowly become a man!!!! Imagine my enourmous surprise.
My Doctor in his ignorance told me I had CANCER and my wonderful emerging penis was nothing more than a tumor!!. LIES TERRIBLE LIES, I screamed at him that awful day in his surgery.
I knew in my heart it was my beloved Ralph come back an manifesting himself within my body, to again be close to the one who has never stopped loving him.

I have developed along with my ever growing, strengthening penis a dreadful lust for women. I am certainly not as YOU THINK gay, because I am now fully a man and have all the urges and feelings of a man. except I still have very large breasts and allopecia which has cased ever hair on my body to fall out.
Thankyou for your story and thankyou for listening to an old fool and his silly story. All my love dear dear children

Please review the review guidelines in the FAQ to ensure that you're following the rules and to prevent any further action being taken against other reviews you make.

i ate a shit and it made me shiny

Posted by mickyhomer - December 22nd, 2008

This message is to inform you that the following review, which you left for StagBeetle's Message on 12/20/08 at 7:59:03 PM, has been deleted:

Score: 10 / 10
Summary: Hi staggy
Review: My reviews tend to be flagged and deleted pretty fast. but the fact is that your fucking great movie passed the portal and no one left a review which made me very sad. You remind me of cereal who has sadly left this world for a far more evil place. I do miss his boxxy little head. This is a special review for you cause you make me hot.
I am accused of being a 63yo man yet I know that I am a woman. It hurt my feelings a lot when my case officer screamed at me that I am a man. I have lovely ladies clothes that I got from the charity shop and I wear them in my room in a hostel and I look in my mirror and I cry a lot . I have gotten some nice ladies underwear from a house at night they were hanging up out in their yard. They are very small but they smell really nice and I like to wear them. I made some really nice breasts out of paper and Styrofoam coffee cups that I recycled from our hostels common room bin. I am afraid I have got breast cancer and I am not a faggot like some boys screamed at me when I went to the store for my ointment. Thankyou I enjoyed this movie very much and I also enjoyed looking at some nice ladies in the hairdressers. I really can't find shoes because I weigh nearly 300 pounds and my ankles are very swollen.

Please review the review guidelines in the FAQ to ensure that you're following the rules and to prevent any further action being taken against other reviews you make.

grog is grog

Posted by mickyhomer - December 1st, 2008

Fucking sanctimonious cunts, one of the very few contributors to this site who had the abillity to make true social and cultural commentry, This is the only review of his work thAT I had left, that also survives

"Hi Cutie Pie i'm a 14 year old pre-op transexual, this made me feel like a man again my Mom said you could sleep over if you like. This was the best movie I have ever seen and we could sit in my uncles hot tub and watch this on his wide screen plazzzzma TV."

What the fuck do we get now endless stick and sprite movies, Rot in a backalley while being raped with a frozen fish.

cereal has been deleted

Posted by mickyhomer - November 13th, 2008

Here is an example, sadly deleted because of arrogance and hubris, Have a long hard look at youselves miserable fuckers...Who gets a shiny whistle for this one
This message is to inform you that the following review, which you left for Grand Finale on 11/12/08 at 6:55:44 PM, has been deleted:

Score: 10 / 10
Summary: Is that it
Review: Six fucking reviews on your last submission, Why HAs it TAken me so long for me to leave a review, Cause ive been in a fucking CoMA. I'm gonna give my self an infected rectum and live in agony for the rest of my short miserable life for YoU. .......AGGHHHH IT BURNS FUCK IT BURNNNNSSSSSSSS...............

Please review the review guidelines in the FAQ to ensure that you're following the rules and to prevent any further action being taken against other reviews you make.

Posted by mickyhomer - November 6th, 2008

More of em

This message is to inform you that the following review, which you left for Obama Bin Laden !!!!!!!!! on 11/3/08 at 1:22:16 AM, has been deleted:

Score: 10 / 10
Summary: fellatio
Review: I quite enjoy Auto-fellatio and Auto-analingus I certainly hope these comments are helpful

This message is to inform you that the following review, which you left for Hentai Vagina Milf_cereal on 11/5/08 at 7:09:31 AM, has been deleted:

Score: 10 / 10
Summary: ugh my EYE
Review: That was so hot my eye came out, Dont you worry I voted HIGH so cereal wont have to go all the way to afghanistan to kill me. In fact I will vote low tommorow and then kill my self to again save you the trouble. PLease Vote this comment as Helpful or I will pretend that I am dead or I will kill my little sister. In fact I am going to pretend I am dead now..................................
........No fuck it where is the BiTcH.

Posted by mickyhomer - November 3rd, 2008

here are my deleted reviews I feel like i have been raped.

This message is to inform you that the following review, which you left for Tom Fulp vs Wade Fulp on 11/2/08 at 1:28:13 AM, has been deleted:

Score: 10 / 10
Summary: I laud your uneven temperament
Review: Jolly good show I myself did wage war on a rock spider as a small boy. This munificent bequest within my heart stired longings for my brothers sweaty loins.
I can only bear witness to your celebrity

This message is to inform you that the following review, which you left for April Fulp My Angel on 11/1/08 at 4:30:56 AM, has been deleted:

Score: 10 / 10
Summary: oh for gods sake
Review: I am really sick to death of you people making such powerfully succinct social and cultural commentry. As if we are going to fucking get it!!! I really have to have my say, and flag me and ban me for being abusive AGAIN. BUT geniuses like your self are spoiling the reputation of this cyber community. WE dont need YOU. WE want socialy retarded pre and post pubescent freaks sitting in dark rooms abusing themselves and making stick figure animations stabing each other in the head. Fuck you cereal and you bleak visions of jaded reality. The only way to stop you is to vote 5 every fucking time till you learn your lesson. We hate you almost as much as we hate ourselves. I am going to skin my balls and make a mask out of the tattered remanants of my nut sack to hide my shame. Dam you look what you have done.

This message is to inform you that the following review, which you left for DBstick on 12/29/01 at 2:40:31 AM, has been deleted:

Score: 0 / 10
Summary: aghhhh!!!!!!!!
Review: you fuckwit. Idiots like you send me completely insane. I now must kill and kill again. Look what you have done aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

This message is to inform you that the following review, which you left for Egoraptor suckd my cock 2 on 10/20/08 at 8:28:35 AM, has been deleted:

Score: 10 / 10
Summary: appetite
Review: I feel really hungry, hot cock on a stick FEED THE WORLD HOT COCK AND BALLS

This message is to inform you that the following review, which you left for Morgan Freeman Antics on 10/22/08 at 5:33:16 PM, has been deleted:

Score: 10 / 10
Summary: how to break this dam fucking curse
Review: i have been fucking cursed

This message is to inform you that the following review, which you left for The Art Show on 10/23/08 at 5:15:14 AM, has been deleted:

Score: 0 / 10
Summary: pineapple
Review: scratch your fucking head , you just dont get it.I ve TOTALLY been to art school and made so many millions of fucking dollars I had a second cock and balls attached

You have been banned from submitting reviews for the next 7 days.
This is a result of the review you left for MF day '08 on 10/23/08 at 5:24:32 AM:

Score: 0 / 10
Summary: cock and balls
Review: You sucked morgan freemans dick

The moderator tigerkitty gave the following reason for the ban:

"Unhelpful reviews."

This message is to inform you that the following review, which you left for Stop Voting Zero U Fucker on 10/22/08 at 5:28:40 PM, has been deleted:

Score: 10 / 10
Summary: glaze
Review: I feel so unwell, maybe I need to amputate my cock and balls

This message is to inform you that the following review, which you left for They Call Me Charles on 10/20/08 at 2:18:44 AM, has been deleted:

Score: 10 / 10
Summary: creepy stalker
Review: your a stalker charles, creepy chubby evil stalker charles, did you wish you killed your mummy charles, did you wish to feel her pubic hair charles, you love the bright young things dont you charles, they call to you, don't they charles. come and join us!!! what fun we are having come, come and join us

You have been banned from submitting reviews for the next 3 days.
This is a result of the review you left for Hot Yugioh XXX Porn!!!! on 10/16/08 at 3:31:02 AM:

Score: 0 / 10
Summary: xray dick
Review: Fuck off and promote your crappy band on one of those networking sites, you know the ones. Leave me alone

The moderator tigerkitty gave the following reason for the ban:

"Submissions like these have been made to annoy you. DO NOT REVIEW THESE KIND OF SUBMISSIONS. The authors are successfully trolling you and making you look silly. JUST IGNORE THEM."

This message is to inform you that the following review, which you left for Sex with Cameron Diaz on 1/4/02 at 9:59:57 PM, has been deleted:

Score: 0 / 10
Summary: weirdo
Review: weird cunt. sitting in your room wanking your dog.

This message is to inform you that the following review, which you left for Star Cunt second coming on 12/22/01 at 10:34:05 AM, has been deleted:

"eat a turd and die.you idiot"

Posted by mickyhomer - November 2nd, 2008

I cut my cock and balls off. I boiled them in my piss. I ate them. They were full of serotonin that made me feel much better!!!!